Ensuring success of Digital Transformation – why, how, what?

Why – “Essential for successful digital transformation”

Legitimate digital transformation requires a fundamental shift in multiple aspects of an organisation. Appropriate governance, mindsets, business models, capabilities and culture. Leaders have a responsibility to identify key areas of focus. This should lead to value proposition, business outcomes, agility, innovation and revenue. The digital transformation strategy and road map should have an alignment with organisation goals and objectives and direct mapping with benefits.

How do you decide what to transform – Leaders should recognise the fundamental difference between change and transformation, While ‘change’ is required to maintain and modernise an organisation, this is not enough to sufficiently elevate both its internal capabilities and external offerings.

How – “Doing things right”

How is most important for successful transformation as many of the transformation failures that litter organisations can be put down to flawed execution. Leaders and managers knew what they had to transform and why, but they lacked knowledge and experience of how to transform successfully.

Companies operating in a skills-scarce world must know how to find talent pools with the skills they need and to build strategies for hiring, retaining, and training the workers who will give them competitive advantage. The question companies need to be able to answer is “how can we ensure we have access to these capabilities when we need them?”.

The new platform “AdvisoryOnDemand.com” is an initiative which would allow the independent and unbiased advice available and tailored for the organisations.

Who should be engaged – Independent and unbiased advice is essential for holistic view and success. This is obvious that preferred technology solution provider may become your default choice for digital business transformation guidance. But doing so comes with a risk. There is a right time to engage the likes of software suppliers and system integrator, but it certainly shouldn’t be during strategy. This is important to have strategy and road map built independently and not being involved of solution vendors. This would avoid the influence to steer you in the direction of a solution.

What – “Doing the right things”

The digital business transformation needs a well-defined articulation of “objectives” and “benefits”. What are focus areas and priorities maximising outcomes resulting in customer experience, people empowerment and productivity in terms of revenue.

In summary, Business Transformation implies fundamental and complex organizational changes within as well as across organisations alongside the value chain; business transformation can also radically alter the organisation’s relations with the wider economic and societal environment.

Sandeep Gupta